Our vision for Endlesham Hall is to replace the much-loved but tired building with a purpose-built and eco-friendly design that combines a modern and versatile community space on the ground floor with socially responsible housing above.
A modern, purpose-built community space
Over the years, we've welcomed many local groups at the hall, and with an ever-growing number of enquiries, it’s plain to see that it's a valuable resource for the whole community. The new design will provide high-quality, versatile indoor and outdoor facilities to accommodate a thriving programme of activities. It'll be more inclusive and accessible, better for the environment, and built to last.
The new hall will cover the same area as the current building with a smart layout that maximises its capacity, meaning more local people can benefit from the opportunities that access to an affordable space provides.
The flexible layout will suit a wide range of activities, from sports, dance, and performance to education, training and workshops; from rehearsing, creating and collaborating to celebrating, worshipping, learning, networking and connecting.
A new building enables us to make the hall more inclusive and accessible, accommodating the needs of every age group and ability. The design will meet accessibility standards for bathrooms and include ramps and wider doors to improve mobility around the building.
Maximising green space is a top priority for the new hall. We hope the re-imagined garden area will offer a green sanctuary for residents, visitors and wildlife alike.
High-quality soundproofing will mean we can host multiple activities without interruption, and our neighbours will benefit from a quieter environment too.
The innovative combination of a community space and housing will make the building entirely self-financing, meaning it'll be financially sustainable long into the future.
Affordable homes for young adults
With a new building we can play our part in addressing our city’s desperate housing need. Working with a Registered Housing Provider we’ll create a vibrant, safe, supportive and enjoyable place to live, as residents build the confidence and experience to achieve a long-term home.
The accommodation will primarily be aimed at young adults aged 20–35, including key workers who provide vital services to the community but find the cost of living near work a real challenge.
Working with a Registered Housing Provider, we’ll provide secure 3–5 year tenancies that give stability and assurance for residents.
The building design will promote wellbeing, social interaction and sustainable living, with high-quality living spaces and a shared garden to provide residents with access to nature.
Rental rates will be guided by the London Affordable Rent, a target introduced by the London Mayor and set annually by the GLA, to make homes more affordable for lower-income residents.
Creative community living
The housing will embrace a ‘Creative Community Living’ model, where residents can enjoy a supportive context in which to thrive. With plenty of opportunities to get involved, we hope that each generation of residents will benefit from being part of this vibrant community.
Endlesham Hall has a long history of organising events and hosting groups that bring people together. The new homes will become part of this existing community, and residents can make the most of the onsite activities and related community projects.
With facilities suited to creative activities like dance, drama, music, exhibitions, rehearsals and performances, residents will have opportunity for creative networking and access to use the space for their own initiatives.
Endlesham Hall has historically provided a supportive context for collective and personal development. This provision will grow in partnership with local organisations to include business start-up hubs, networking events, health and wellbeing classes, employment skills and training that residents can benefit from.
A sustainable, low impact facility
The new hall is designed with its long-term environmental impact in mind. The new building will be as carbon neutral as possible – a highly efficient, low-energy facility requiring minimal maintenance and built to last.
Innovative low-energy technologies like photovoltaic panels, ground and air source heating will create a healthy living environment all year round, and greatly reduce our impact on the planet.
A smart design will make it possible for new low-carbon energy sources to be installed in the future as they become available.
The new building will have a lifespan of at least 80 years, with versatility built into the design so that it can be easily adapted for future change.
The building is designed to use sustainable materials and construction techniques as much as possible.
We’ll actively encourage walking, cycling and using public transport to visit the hall and provide bicycle storage space for residents and visitors.
As well as greening the concrete playground, green walls and a green roof on the main hall will help reduce the carbon footprint of the building, and special bricks for bees and nesting birds will help to attract wildlife.